michelle turcotte

“words, words, words” hamlet, act 2, scene 2

i'm a ux designer who specializes in interaction design using user-centered design methodologies.

with a background in both computer science and human-computer interaction, i love tackling challenging design problems and enabling users to achieve their even more challenging goals. i'm constantly looking for opportunities to learn new skills and improve my craft.

my favorite aspects of design are ideation and testing. for me, the art of ux design is in the ability to explore a wide variety of options, and the science of the craft is in determining which of those options are actually solutions. in ideation, i love creating connections between seemingly different concepts. mixing and matching ideas leads me to new solutions. in testing, i enjoy building prototypes with the right level of fidelity (both visual and interaction) to gather the right level of feedback from users.

i'm also one of those crazy people who actually enjoys design process—or, more accurately, processes. different projects require different approaches. there's no one single right process. whether it's up front design with deep ux research, or highly collaborative lean ux with just-in-time learning, i enjoy experimenting with different approaches.

currently i'm the ux manager of an incredibly talented team of interaction designers, visual designers, and technical illustrators.

in this role, i primarily apply my design expertise to improving my team's experience and coaching designers on my team. however, i still seek opportunities to flex my creativity and keep up-to-date with the design industry. you can check out some of the projects i've worked on in my time as a manager in my odds and ends case study.